While I was praying for the ministry I was called for, the Lord begin to put a burden in my heart and He brought to attention the Chapter 47 in the book of prophet Ezekiel where in his vision he saw many Gates, and rivers of healing flowing in and out of the sanctuary, so I was lead to choose the name “THE GATEWAY SANCTUARY” , Later as I was preaching again the Lord brought to my attention the passage of John 10:9 where Jesus says “He is the Gate…”, I received the confirmation that this should be the name of the church.


True to His word the Lord provided everything that we needed for the Church including a place of worship within our means, equipped with chairs and renovated with wooden flooring, also other basic amenities. With this we opened our church gates to 1st Service on 24th May 2015 with 30 souls, the service was conducted in dual language (English/Tamil)

The following year 1st May 2016 our First Baptism service was held with 5 new converts, from there we completed our 1st anniversary on 24th May 2016 and we celebrated with our growing members of 45 souls and specially invited ministers, who have been part of our expanding journey to our recent 6th Anniversary on 24th May 2021.